©copyright by TSIHMAO´S KENNEL


     The Shar-Pei in Germany

1978 articles appeared in numerous German newspapers about the Shar-Pei, which was described as the rarest dog breed in the world. Some American breeders, it was said, made efforts to preserve the breed. I was immediately fascinated. What only bothered me was this: The dogs shown were very wrinkled and extremely type. They weren't adult dogs, but puppies that sat in their fur like in too big pyjama which nobody knew at the time. The adult dogs were of course less wrinkled, but I wasn't to experience that until later. Mr. Weinberg, 1st Chairman of the Club for Exotic Pedigree Dogs e. V., took on the task of getting in contact with Shar Pei breeders in the USA. Several breeders were contacted. Some didn't answer at all, others wanted a deposit first so that they could get on a puppy waiting list. We were sent pictures of dogs that were far from looking like a Shar-Pei. Or you had price expectations for a puppy that were close to the prices for good used cars.

Then we received a letter from Ellen Weathers Debo who wrote extensively about the breed and sent some pictures of dogs which were very beautiful. We had a good feeling, and the feeling was not wrong. We decided together (Mr. Weinberg and I) to buy the male Bedlam’s Lover Boy. It was black, shaded a bit gray on the sides. Ellen Weathers Debo described him very precisely and criticized his hair, which was a little too soft and, in her opinion, should be shorter. He was a son of Shir Du Sam Ku, one of the successful stud dogs in the USA, and the bitch Bedlam’s Yo Ki Hi. Now the waiting time began, Bedlam’s Lover Boy never came. However, at first I realized that we had bought a male, and with a male alone you cannot establish breeding in the future. On the spur of the moment I called Ellen Weathers Debo and asked when Boy Boy, as he should be called, would actually come and whether I could buy a bitch from her in the future. The breeder replied that Bedlam’s Lover Boy should come in a week, she had a black female named Bedlam’s Love Song that she would send along. She was also a daughter of Shir Du Sam Ku and the female Ausable’s China Blue. 

In July 1979 I picked up the first Shar-Pei in Europe at the airport in Hamburg, and the great Shar-Pei adventure could begin. Both dogs were magical in their nature, friendly and happy, Lover Boy had the Brush Coat (brush hair) which was a little too soft and Love Song an extreme Horse Coat (horse hair), which was extremely uncomfortable to touch. Both dogs had good eyesight, the male had a deep blue tongue, his half-sister had a spotted tongue, and both had full-tooth scissor bites. In no time a big press began, the two dogs were in almost every newspaper. In the "UR" (Our Purebred Dog), the VDH devoted half a page to imports from the USA, praised the initiative of the 1st chairman of the club and announced the Shar-Pei couple for the 1979 national breed show in Essen. The public interest was enormous. Not only on the dogs, of course, but also on the acquisition of puppies.

In the meantime we had made contact with Matgo Law in Hong Kong, and in the spring of 1980 the two males Down Homes Cream Zulu and Zambo, sons of the male Down Homes Prince of Darkness and the bitch Dragon Lady’s Jasmin of Gun Club, came. Both males were cream-colored with very strong bodies and a very friendly demeanor. Zambo had problems with his eyes and Ms. Schlueb from Switzerland, who had bought him, had to have entropion surgery on him as soon as he arrived. Both dogs had almost no premolars and molars and brought as souvenirs hundreds of black spiders that had sucked on their skin. Shortly afterwards, Down-Homes ’Bäng Bäng, a daughter of Down-Homes’ Jim Jade and Down-Homes ’Black Wong, came to Germany to Ms. Gertrud Schlauderer in Munich. Bang Bang was fawn (fawn) and, in my opinion, had serious skin problems that she died of at seven months. Mrs. Schlauderer was later replaced by Matgo Law with the bitch Down-Homes ’Ego, a daughter of the male Down-Homes’ Royal Zeal and the same mother as Bäng Bäng. 

 In the summer of 1980 we received the bitch Down-Homes' Pak Pak Chu, a daughter of the male Down-Homes' Quicksilva and the bitch Down-Homes' Milky W Star II. I was shocked when I received the unfortunate bundle of dog at the airport took. My first trip was to the vet. Cramps with bloody diarrhea shook the animal. An immediate infusion saved her after all. After these, but rather bad experiences, we decided not to import any more dogs from Hong Kong. Down-Homes ’Pak Pak Chu had a very short coat (horse coat," horse hair "), a good head with a poorly padded muzzle, ears that were a little too large, clear, open eyes, a deep blue tongue and a full scissor bite. Her body was compact with straight forelegs and perfectly angled hindquarters. Her color was cream and she turned out to be a good mother. She died two months before her 13th birthday and had never been sick again after her arrival and rescue in Hamburg. In the meantime, the Club for Exotic Breed Dogs e. V. received care for the Shar-Pei breed from the VDH. One could now think of breeding. The kennel "Tsihmao’s" was founded by me. The name means "spiny cat"; I had the impression of touching such an animal when I picked up my first Shar-Pei. Joachim Weinberg and I decided to breed the Shar-Pei breed together. Bedlam’s Love Song came in season and should be mated with Bedlam’s Lover Boy. It was a bit complicated because Lover Boy was very clumsy. It finally worked. On the night of September 22nd to 23rd, 1980, the big event occurred: the first Shar Pei litter in Europe was born. There were 3 males and one female, 3 black and 1 cream-colored puppy. Bedlam’s Love Song, now called "Tam Tam", was a good mother. She looked after her puppies in an exemplary manner.  

Two of the two males went into private hands, one I kept. However, from the 7th month onwards, he had very severe skin problems and died at 9 months of a rectal prolapse.  

The bitch Tsihmao’s Ah Ling went to Mrs. Anneliese Brökel, who founded the kennel "Dah-Let’s" with her. The first litter that Ah Ling had with Down-Homes ’Cream Zulu produced Lux Ch. Dah-Let’s Asha, who was later exported to England, where she had 8 puppies in quarantine, of which she raised 7. Mrs. Brökel only bred 5 litters, then she suddenly died. In the meantime the second litter was planned with us, and on March 10th 1981 Bedlam’s Love Song got 4 males and 2 females after Down-Homes ’Cream Zulu. Then Mr. Weinberg and I separated our kennel community. He received Love Song and Cream Zulu and the bitch Tsihmao’s Boom Boom, with whom he founded his kennel "Kung-Fu’s". 10 Shar Pei litters were bred in this kennel, successful dogs from this kennel later went to Italy, France, Spain and England. Ch. Tsihmao’s B’fuo-Shi went to Ursula and Baldur Roos, who founded the “Samurai’s” kennel with her. Samurai’s Ah Tang Li came from the first litter, he turned out to be a good sire, his litter brother Samurai’s A’Feng Zeng of Tsihmao’s was exported to England and was Top Stud Dog (top stud dog) there for 4 years with numerous winners as offspring. Ursula and Baldur Roos no longer breed Shar-Pei today.

In 1981 Friedhelm Dutzi imported the male Down-Homes ’Gam Guard and the bitch Down-Homes’ Lok EE from Hong Kong. In the same year the bitch Down-Homes ’HO EE was also imported from Hong Kong by Günter Sawatzki. In 1981 Down-Homes ’Pak Pak Chu got her first litter after Bedlam’s Lover Boy. There were 5 puppies, one male and one female were spotted. The spotted male went to Berlin in private ownership, and I gave the bitch to Denmark as a gift. There she became ancestor of the successful kennel "Starmaker", later "Rabjerg" by B. Madsen and S. Rabjerg. The successful black male Ch. Tsihmao’s Chuan Hey, who went to Berlin as an exhibitor, also came from this litter. The bitch Tsihmao’s Chin Se went to the kennel "Dah-Let’s" from Mrs. Brökel. In the meantime, Mr. Weinberg and Dr. Hubert Wirtz created a standard and submitted it to the FCI. This standard was confirmed as an interim standard at the World Exhibition in 1981. Thus, the Shar-Pei breed was given the opportunity to receive national titles. This standard was based on the model of the Koowloon and Hong Kong Association Standard, it was binding for all FCI countries. 

 In 1982 Down-Homes ’Pak Pak Chu had her second, the D-litter after the world winner ‘81 Ch. Down-Homes’ Cream Zulu. It was a pure Chinese combination. I kept Tsihmao's Deng Hsiou. He later became champion, his brother Deng Yee was exported to the kennel "Hadimassa" in the Netherlands and was a successful stud dog there, his sister Deng traveled to England to Nigel Marsh and Terry Purse and his brother Deng-Ho to Heather Ligget in England, Kennel "Heathstyle". 

 In 1982 England had entered the Shar Pei scene. Heathstyle’s Dandelion came from the USA and was the first Shar-Pei in Great Britain. The first and only female dog that came from Hong Kong and was recognized by the Kennel Club was Down-Homes ’Junoesque of Heathstyle. In my opinion she was the best Shar-Pei I've seen from Matgo Law, unfortunately she didn't get old. After an exhibition, Heather Ligget found her dead, she was poisoned. From the first litter of these two new Englishmen I received the male Heathstyle’s Dragonwort, which proved to be a show dog and a good stud dog.  

The bitch Ch. Tsihmao’s Nua Mulan, owned by Isabella Pizzamiglio, was the first champion in Italy. Ch. Tsihmao’s Hu Tie also turned out to be a good breeding bitch with her son Ch. Tsihmao’s Pu Yi, who was also exported to Italy. Together with Ch. Nua Mulan, he had a significant influence on the Italian Shar-Pei breed, which was just beginning. The first international champion bitch was Tsihmao’s Hung Pao Shi, who lived in Denmark. In 1982 Mrs. Gertrud Schlauderer imported the bitch Bablo’s Mei-Lo and the male Bablo’s Shogun from the USA, the latter became VDH champion and proved to be a successful stud dog with over 50 offspring in southern Germany. From the first litter of Bablo’s Shogun and Down-Homes ’Ego, the world winner Chung came from 1985 in Amsterdam, Chung lieh Tu’s Anjin San. His father Shogun was 11 1/2 years old. Ms. Schlauderer no longer breeds Shar-Pei today.

Hans Peter and Isolde Brusis started their kennel "vom Oekonom" with the bitch Wong Tschi Hi by Koko Hoto. She was born in October 1982 in Switzerland and was the daughter of Down-Homes ’Gam Guard and Down-Homes’ LOK EE. Wong Tschi Hi, called "Bärle", was a successful show bitch, and her offspring after Bablo’s Shogun was also remarkable and died on July 2nd, 1996. The first big show success like the world youth winner 1987 in Israel with “He-Mei de nongren vom Oekonom” which was owned by Nico Weinberger from Israel. In 1990 "Ling vom Oekonom" became the property of Andrea Dennemarck. “Sofie vom Oekonom” was a daughter of “Ch. Royal Wrinkles MoÈm Down and "Ispe vom Oekonom" she became youth champion and world junior winner in Budapest 1996. Wum und Wipse vom Oekonom were children of Sofie vom Oekonom and Ch. Panache Sudden Impact. One of the most successful bitches of the present time is "Xenia vom Oekonom". She was placed third at the Champ Trophy competition of Pedigree Pal in group 2 in 2002 and is German and VDH Champion DSPC Winner 2001 and 2002. Xenia is a daughter of the American male Ch. Royal Elvis for Guangdong. 

Mrs. Ella Eid from the "Kwun Tung’s" kennel discovered her interest in Shar-Pei and imported Mei Lings from Switzerland Mrs. Ella Eid from the kennel "Kwun Tung’s" discovered her interest in Shar-Pei and imported Mei Lings Biao Ling, a daughter of Ch. Down-Homes’ Zambo and Ho Wun Swiss, from Switzerland. In the first litter after Heathstyle’s Dragonwort there was only one female, named Kwun Tung’s Ai Jen. Later Ella Eid crossed "vom Oekonom" dogs in order to strengthen her head type. For several years she was very successful in breeding and at shows and is breeding the 1991 world champion "Kwun-Tung's Iduna" and the successful multi-champion "Kwun-Tung's Velvet Boy" from Mr. Haas. Due to her age, Ms. Eid no longer breeds Shar-Pei.

Eva Maria Kemper had already successfully raised Afghans. She started her Shar-Pei breeding with a bitch from the kennel "von Kuku Hoto" and imported the male Gold’s Bi Go Guai from the USA, a son of Yu Me-Te Man of Tzo Tzo and Down-Homes’ Oriental Pearl. Gold’s Bi Go Quai turned out to be a successful stud dog. Petra Mahret, who is also a successful bull terrier breeder, started her kennel “Ordensjäger” with his daughter Gouma di Domus Animula. In the first litter after Ch. Bedlam’s Lover Boy, Gouma had the beautiful  Tempelhüter Ordensjäger, who was a dominant stud dog but suddenly died at the age of four. His son Ch. Tsihmao’s Pu Yi was the second champion of the breed in Italy. Mrs. Mahret made another litter with her bitch and then gave up the Shar-Pei breed again. Ms. Kemper no longer breed Shar-Pei today. 

 In 1985, some Shar-Pei breeders split up from the Club for Exotic Purebred Dogs. V. and founded the 1st German Shar Pei Club 1985 e. V. Until today I could not find out whether this was for the benefit of the breed in Germany. But the Shar-Pei breed has always established itself in the German dog world, of course not to the same extent as in the USA, but I think the wounds of the division into two clubs have now healed, and breeders in Germany are starting to talk to each other again which is only good for the breed. 

 In November 1983 the first wrinkled exotic came into the family of Doris Karch kennel "Guangdong". "Da Let`s Da Nang" by Mrs. Anneliese Bröckel came from one of the first litters that were born in Germany and it was bought spontaneously. He introduced Ms. Karch to the character of the Shar-Pei and was only four years old. She couldn't forget his charm. Now began a time of lively information exchange with American breeders. She also received very interesting information and offers from Hong Kong. Then as now, she was impressed by the charm and above-average intelligence of this breed. After careful consideration, she then decided to buy a bitch from an import mating. "Xian's Dragon Girl" called Lilly moved in with her. In 1991 she became World Youth Winner in Dortmund. Lily was 11 years old and was a typical representative of her breed. Her best litter with her was after the male Ch. Royal Wrinkles Mo Em Down. Ch. Guangdong China Moon came from this combination. She won shows with BOB at the age of 7. She is still fit and active today. Her daughter "Guangdong Fee" came from the mating with Multi Ch. Row Sands Buster Brown and she in turn brought her with Ch. Shenanigans Shilo "Guangdong Inky". In 1997, Royal's Elvis for Guangdong was imported from the USA by Sue Anderson Kennel “Royal” and in a short time he was able to achieve the title “Youth Champion” and later also German and VDH Champion. From the mating “Ch. Guangdong China Moon ”with“ Ch. Royal Elvis for Guangdong ”a male“ Guangdong Gatsby for Royals ”went back to the USA to Sue Anderson. For a short time he had collected all the points for the American Champion.  

Judy Ziegenhirt met her first Shar-Pei in 1985. She was first impressed by its extraordinary appearance. However, in the course of time, she also got to know his unique and fantastic nature. From 1986 to 1998 she bred 23 Shar-Sei litters under the kennel name "Dynastie`s". Her breeding goals always stood for a healthy type, a good anatomical structure, performance and nervous resilience in daily life with the dog.

In 1993 the ban on importing Shar Peis in Sweden and Norway was lifted and my first export to Norway was the male and later Champion Tsihmao`s Nan-Wu from Siri Borch. He was a son of Gismo, a black male who came from the Netherlands and the bitch Tsihmao`s Fao-Chi. Gismo was only used for a few covers and when I discovered that he was inherited very differently, I took him out of breeding. Later she got the bitch Tsihmao`s Ron-Chin who got her Norwegian Champion very quickly. She was a daughter of Ch. Shii Tzao Kojo`s Bubba and Ch. Tsihmao`s Hsou Pachelina. In 1997 I sent the creamy dilute colored bitch Tsihmao`s Nurisam mated to Finland to Harto and Tanja with the condition that it was shown in Finland after the litter. After she recovered from her litter, she won group two at her first CACIB show in Lathi and was fourth Best in Show with a report of 4500 dogs. It was a great success for the breed and many Scandinavian judges remember this bitch who became International, German and Estonian Champion in a very short time. After she was back in Germany she had a few litters and is kept in my kennel with her daughter Tsihmao`s Kuan Gee Lai. In 2000 the Horse-Coat male, Wrinklesmith`s Reality Bites, was imported from the USA, he was a son of Ch. Elite`s Photo Finish and the bitch Ch. Wrinklesmith`s Xcitation Tsihmao`s Zhu Lan, which I exported to the USA. Both males were excellent sires and are very successful in the show ring and the most important thing in breeding.

Of course I have seen many "breeders" come and go over the years. That is why it is extremely difficult to go into each kennel in Germany and its breeding goal. Everyone tries to breed healthy, solid dogs with a solid character according to the breeding regulations of both clubs represented in the VDH.


Lover Boy Linda and Love Song Linda and Joachim
with Lover Boy and Love Song

Linda Reinelt-Gebauer   l   Weiher Str. 2   l   D-57629 Steinebach a. d. Wied
Tel.: ++49 (0) 2662 5894        e-mail: tsihmaos@rz-online.de